military-technical cooperation, reform process, defence industry, NATO standardsAbstract
Today, the state faces an important task of establishing effective coordination in the field of military-technical cooperation not only with NATO member states, but also with our other partners. It is necessary to clearly define the role of the Ukrainian defence industry in the development and production of high-tech weapons for our partner countries. The theoretical analysis of the state military-industrial policy in the field of military-technical cooperation in the context of current challenges and threats. In the proposed article, special attention is paid to the analysis of military-technical cooperation in the context of reforming the defence industry. It is proved that it is necessary to accelerate defence and security reforms in accordance with NATO norms, principles and standards in order to help strengthen the export potential of the defence industry, intensify military-technical cooperation with foreign partners, involve modern technologies in the defence and related sectors of the economy, create joint ventures and new jobs. It has been established that military-technical cooperation with foreign partners, involving modern technologies in the defence sector of Ukraine with foreign states, plays an important role in strengthening national security and development of the defence sector. The article presents the organisational structure of the system for implementing military-technical cooperation with foreign partners, involving modern technologies in the defence sector of Ukraine with foreign states, as an instrument for implementing the State policy in the field of military-technical cooperation with foreign partners, involving modern technologies in the defence sector, which is inextricably linked with the defence-industrial policy. The author proposes the tasks of ensuring the development of military-technical cooperation with foreign partners, with the involvement of modern technologies in the defence sector of Ukraine with foreign states in the following areas: rearmament of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; reforming the national defence industry with a view to overcoming the crisis, creating closed cycles of development and production of major weapons and military equipment.
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