risks, higher education, external risks, state regulation, educational institutionsAbstract
The article reveals the economic essence of the current state of higher education in Ukraine. It examines the main problems of state regulation of risks and challenges facing modern education at the stage of reform.
The subject of the study is the very system of higher education in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of the modern market of higher education in the country, as well as the features and trends of its development to date in the process of reform.
The development of the national education system is shown together with its social and economic problems and challenges, as well as the political conditions that find the direction of the development of education in the country. It was revealed that the main risks in the education system of Ukraine can be considered a decrease in the number of highly skilled professionals, the closure of a number of educational institutions with a reduction in the contingent that lead to financial losses. In addition, among the risks studied, the low efficiency of training technologies and the low-level of graduates’ competence, corruption and low rating indicators in the world educational community are highlighted.
The author specifies the existing external risks of the education system in the country and presents possible ways of overcoming them. And also draws the conclusion that the current conditions of the country’s existence and specifically the development of the education sector, the introduction of new models and training programs is a complex process. The reform of higher education today does not have significant results, therefore, it is suggested that the entire education system in Ukraine is integrated and fundamentally reformed, with the aim of overcoming existing discrepancies between the educational product and the needs of society.
So, the author says that the modern structure of education should give to ensuring ideal conditions for the functioning and development of the education system, taking into account the needs of modern society and the existing problems in the educational sphere, which should give quality educational services and freedom of choice in education.
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