

physical education, interactive methods of teaching, healthy lifestyle, physical condition of students


This article is devoted to the study of the problem moments of teaching physical culture in higher educational institutions. He considers the problems of the organization of physical education, the shortcomings of the modern system of the educational process, as well as the need to introduce new methods and methods of teaching students to make educational goals that give to the preservation and strengthening of the health of the future generation.

It is determined that interactive learning is a form of organization of cognitive activity, is a method of knowledge, which is carried out in the form of a joint activity of the teacher and the student, when all participants interact with each other, exchange information, solve problems together, simulate situations, evaluate the actions of others and their own behavior, etc.

It is envisaged that the main goal of the interactive form of conducting physical education classes will be to immerse students in the real atmosphere of business cooperation, in solving problems, optimally developed skills and qualities of a future specialist. However, there are difficulties in using this method in the educational process, among which are the following: lack of knowledge of the content of the method, inability to use it in practice, misunderstanding of its place in the structure of the class, mistrust of the effectiveness of its use in the learning process.

It is proved that one of the perspective directions of improvement of physical education of students is the development of scientific principles of monitoring of physical and motor development on the basis of involving a complex of information and technological approaches that will meet the current state. At the same time, the fundamental changes in the development of civilization affect the changes in the system of requirements, which are presented to both the specialist and the education system as a whole.


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How to Cite

Вавренюк , С. . . (2018). WAYS OF IMPROVING THE SYSTEM OF TRAINING OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Public Management, (2 (12), 96-105. Retrieved from http://journals.maup.com.ua/index.php/public-management/article/view/520




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