public administration, regional administration, management reform, local development, decentralization reform.Abstract
The article explores the directions of reforming public administration in regional and local development in Ukraine. Mechanisms and ways of improvement of management of regional and local development in Ukraine are revealed. The institutional component of the formation of united territorial communities in Ukraine is revealed. Issues of decentralization reform are outlined. It is noted that, as of today, the Constitution of Ukraine does not foresee the existence of such an administrative-territorial unit as a united territorial community, which makes development of these communities virtually impossible, as they are forced to function in the status of existing rural, town or city councils. Another important problem that substantially limits the effectiveness of the use of formal institutional leverage in the process of developing the united territorial communities at the present stage of decentralization is the inconsistency of certain regulatory procedures and regulations that govern the local self-government bodies of the united territorial communities. It is proved that decentralization of management is one of the key reforms that have been taking place in Ukraine over the last few years. Its main point is the transfer of a significant part of the administrative authority and financial resources from the central (government) level to the level of local self-government bodies. At the same time, the principle of decentralization is the key principle of decentralization. It is noted that the data of the Concept of reform envisage the transition to a new decentralized model of organization of state and regional authorities. The main task of such Concepts is the analysis of actual problems in the field of management, the definition of key management and legal approaches, organizational, financial principles for their solution, alignment in time with the reform of the administrative-territorial system. The key issue of the Concepts is the substantiation of proposals for ensuring the democratic and efficient organization of governance at the regional and local level, and the introduction of a mechanism for optimal self-sufficient functioning of local self-governance bodies.
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