unspoken cooperation, confidential cooperation, criminal proceedings, pre-trial investigation, search and operative activity.Abstract
Today, legislation, by-laws, scientific sources, and educational literature show chaos in the use and interpretation of terms related to confidential (unspoken) cooperation, which have a negative impact on law enforcement. The unification of terminology requires appropriate justification, which necessitates this research. The purpose of the article is to determine the relation between the terms «confidential cooperation» and «unspoken cooperation» as categories of theory and practice of criminal process and operational search activities. The main theoretical findings of the study are a clear definition of the relationship and the distinction between «confidential cooperation» and «unspoken cooperation». The main practical results of the study are to provide guidance on the use of these terms in law-making activities. The study concludes the following conclusions. In the theory and practice of criminal process and search operations to determine the secret use of the services of persons who agree on the basis of a conspiracy to obtain and provide the operational units with the necessary information, indirectly create the conditions necessary for the conduct of certain actions, activities, operations, participate in them, etc. it is worth using the term unofficial cooperation. Under silent cooperation, we suggest to understand the secret interaction between law enforcement officials (operatives, investigators, pre-trial investigators, NAB detectives) and persons involved in the execution of investigative and search activities. This interaction is carried out on a conspiracy basis: not only its content but also the fact itself is hidden. The use of the term «confidential cooperation» is permissible in another sense: interaction between law enforcement officials and persons involved in law enforcement activities, which is carried out openly but with the content of information exchange.
Кримінальний процесуальний кодекс України: Закон України від 13.04.2012 № 4651-VI. URL: laws/show/4651-1
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