


constitutional and procedural principles, implementation, people’s legislative initiative, collecting signatures, voters.


The article deals with constitutional and procedural basses of implementation of people’s legislative initiatives. It is stated that one of the highest manifestations of direct democracy in the state is the right of citizens to submit bills directly to parliament or directly submit them to a popular vote, which in constitutional law is commonly referred to as a people’s legislative initiative. In modern constitutional practice, the right of citizens to popular legislative initiative is provided in such countries as Albania, Argentina, Austria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Finland, Georgia, Germany (only at the land level), Honduras, Italy, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Northern Macedonia, Palau, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Paraguay, Portugal, Russia (only at the level of the federation), Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Togo, Uruguay, USA (only at the state level), Venezuela and Zambia. The author proposes to identify six stages of implementation of the people’s legislative initiative: 1) collecting signatures and sending the people’s legislative initiative to the representative body of public authority; 2) match the people’s legislative initiative legislative requirements 3) verification of signatures of voters who put forward the people’s legislative initiative; 4) public discussion of people’s legislative initiatives; 5) adoption of a legislative act that was carried in the manner of people’s legislative initiative; 6) the entry into force of the legislative act which had to be carried in the manner of people’s legislative initiative.


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How to Cite

Нестерович, В. Ф. (2020). CONSTITUTIONAL AND PROCEDURAL BASSES OF IMPLEMENTATION OF PEOPLE’S LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVES. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (3(9), 30-45.

