institutions, institutionalism, social transformations, archetypesAbstract
The author’s vision of the institutional nature of social transformations taking into account the influences of existing archetypes is presented. The conceptual and categorical analysis of an institute, institutionalism, and societal transformations is offered to prove the ideas. In particular, theoretical and methodological institutional aspects that directly influence on the course of social transformations in Ukrainian society are considered, taking into account the influence of archetypes. According to the results of a conceptual-categorical analysis, the basic properties of institutionalism which include time lag , system, set of rules — formal, informal, determined by social archetypes are identified. The purpose is to form a structure of social interaction, under which the mechanisms are laid and social transformations can take place. Based on the generalization of theoretical approaches, it was found that the institute, creating a symbiosis with archetypes, is a system of formal and informal socio-economic rules, which are determined by the powerful duality of both long and short-term goals, limiting the relationship between individuals in economic, legal, socio-economic, innovation spheres and help to identify the historical conditions under which the socio-economic mechanisms of social transformation are created. It is suggested to consider the Institutional-archetypal approach as a ruling one in distinguishing the general and special path of country’s development, since there is an individual national matrix, which was formed under the influence of archetypes. It is concluded that the problem of ensuring the sustainability of socio-economic processes in society at the existence of public transformations implying the existence of an institutional-archetypal matrix but the consideration of problems of institutional influence on transformational processes, occurring in Ukraine lacks a comprehensive vision taking into account the impact of social archetypes,providing timely establishment of thorough scientific concepts relating to institutional theory that defines the archetypal social transformation under the influence.
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