higher education, educational space, competency-based approach, students, reforming higher education, healthy lifestyleAbstract
This article reveals the features of the impact of the process of reforming higher education on the healthy lifestyle of students during their studies in higher educational institutions.
The article analyzes the practice of forming a healthy lifestyle of student youth in the context of reforming the higher education system of Ukraine, the indicated conditions for using a competency-based approach to the formation of a healthy lifestyle, and discusses the methods of interaction of subjects in the educational space of higher educational institutions.
The article explains the reasons for the awareness in the education of a healthy lifestyle of student youth.
Much attention is paid in the article to the criteria that ensure the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students. Youth health issues are considered in the format of a competency-based approach in which a future specialist acquires a number of general cultural competencies during his studies at a higher educational institution.
In addition, the author identifies a number of tasks aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle for students in higher education institutions, focuses on tasks for teachers.
The article notes the methods necessary for the implementation of the program in higher education institutions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, which increase the effectiveness of the information and educational tools of higher education institutions when forming the need for students in constant physical education and sports.
The author comes to the conclusion that health, as a complex integral state, is characterized by the presence of knowledge, skills in health-preserving activities, which encourages students to self-develop and self-educate, and to adapt them in the context of reforming the higher education system.
In conclusion, the author says that the formation of a healthy lifestyle of a future specialist as one of the strategic areas of training in higher education institutions requires raising a question from the perspective of considering the possibilities of the educational process to ensure such an event and the attitude to future activities that would determine its value orientations for healthy lifestyle.
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