


ideology of eco-people centrism, human capital, best human qualities, digital diagnosis of qualities, factor-criterion quality measurement, self-knowledge of one’s own self, culture of system management of education based on final results.


Abstract. The relevance of the problem of improving human capital is revealed in three aspects: on the planetary, national, and personal levels. This is connected, first of all, with the need to divert humanity from the threats of climatic, social, and informational catastrophes (as well as pandemics), the occurrence and approach of which depends on human activity. The usefulness of any activity, in turn, determines the corresponding human qualities, among which the best ones stand out. The authors attribute the peculiarity of the latter to two organically interdependent consequences of each person’s behavior: in their own interests and at the same time in the interests of society and even humanity. At the same time, «one’s interests» are considered as the satisfaction of a higher need – the need for self-realization of the individual in all spheres of life (but with the obligatory consideration of the interests of other people). To determine the specific best human qualities, the technology of sociological survey was used from the standpoint of «consumers» at different levels: personal, national and planetary. Two key qualities are singled out from all the best, which include analytical and cognitive activity (APA) and universal morality (ZLM). The first ensures the formation of the need for continuous development through continuous updating and assimilation of knowledge and skills at the reflexive level. The second is the basis for other best human qualities, including humanity, benevolence, loyalty, tolerance (non-conflict), responsibility, ability to work in a team, etc. The technological essence of the formation of the best human qualities in the education system based on the digitalization of the educational process in educational institutions with the help of factor-criterion qualimetry from the field of fuzzy mathematics is revealed. It is emphasized that all of the above in its totality determines the New Strategy for the improvement of human capital in the interests of both an individual and society and all of humanity. This strategy is implemented thanks to the implementation of effective management in the education system by displacing the current culture of administrative pressure (KAT). Its gradual replacement with the system management culture (SMS) according to the final results is carried out through measurements of these results and their interpretation in the form of certain indices. It is the positive dynamics of these indices that determines the resulting educational activity. The situation is considered, when there are certain threats to the development and even the existence of humanity today, the removal of which will depend on the ability of education to fulfill its purpose in terms of improving human capital. The main technological directions of such improvement are proposed through the formation of better human qualities within the framework of new humanism, which is connected with the promotion of self-realization of the individual simultaneously in the interests of society and humanity.


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How to Cite

Дмитренко, Г. А., Головач, Н. В., Згалат-Лозинська, Л. О., & Семенець-Орлова, І. А. (2023). HUMAN CAPITAL AND A NEW TREND OF ITS DEVELOPMENT IN THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM. Public Management, (3 (36), 6-17.


