public service, equal right of access to public service, a mechanism of equal access to public service, the structure of the mechanism of ensuring equal rights of access to public service, the receipt on public service, Law of Ukraine «On Civil Service».Abstract
The publication is devoted to problems of the theory and practice of mechanism for the implementation of equal rights of citizens of Ukraine on access to public service under part 2 of article 38 of the Constitution of Ukraine. The author analyses the categories of «public service» and «the mechanism of realization of equal rights to access to public service» in the context of public service reform in Ukraine. It analyses the advantages and disadvantages of this reform, part of the introduction of competitive selection for state service and defines the prospects for civil service reform in 2019 and subsequent years. Substantiates the position that the effectiveness of public administration at the national level depends on the quality body of civil servants and efficiency of its transformation. In turn, the quality and maneuverability of the corps of civil servants is primarily concerned with the effectiveness of mechanisms to ensure the rights of citizens of Ukraine on access to public service. These mechanisms are conceptual, regulatory (international and national), administrative, educational and other mechanisms, combined into a single mechanism whose purpose is the realization of equal rights of citizens to access to public service on the basis of their personal qualities and professional competencies. In this case, the candidates for the vacant positions of public service must not only have the appropriate professional competences, but also to be ready for their improvement throughout his performance. Describes the basic elements of ensuring equal rights of citizens of Ukraine on access to public services and their contents, as well as the proposals to improve the relevant provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On civil service».
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