genocodes of national cultures, Jungian archetypes, Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory, European civilizationAbstract
This paper has summarized the foundations of the author’s interdisciplinary concept of national cultures genocodes (NCG), which represents synthesis of of the Hegelian doctrine about national spirits (Volksgeist), the Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious, system of hexagrams of the Ancient Chinese Book of Changes and Girt Hofstede’s measurements of national cultures. There are generic genes (archetypes) and species ones in the national genocodes. Generic genes are the cornerstone of 6 cultural kingdoms, and specific genes — separate national cultures. All countries measured by Hofstede are divided into 6 cultural kingdoms. Kingdoms of Qian, Creative (USA, Canada, Australia, Poland and Scandinavia), Lee, Radiance (Western Europe) and Gen, Keeping Still (Japan) have an individualistic genocode. Kingdoms Zhen, Arousing (Russia, the Balkans, Greece, Turkey, Central Asia), Dui, Joyous (Africa, Latin America, Middle East) and Kun, Receptive (China, India and Southeast Asia) have a collectivist genocode. The basis of European civilization is the generic genes of the kingdoms of Lee, Qian and Zhen. The interaction between the generic and species genes of these kingdoms, their complementarity or conflict lies at the heart of alliances or wars between states. It has been shown that the greatest conflicts are observed between countries with individualistic and collectivist cultures, therefore the Balkan countries, Greece, Turkey and Russia throughout history were in a varying degree unfavorable relations with the Western European countries. But studying NCG will allow to minimize tension between countries, to understand a role and the place of each country in the World and in particular the European Cultural Space, to lay a way to the long-term union of peoples and states.
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