citizenship, citizen, foreigner, electoral qualification, subjective suffrage.Abstract
The article describes the citizenship as one of the key requirements for the acquisition and realization of subjective suffrage. It is stated that citizenship of Ukraine as one of the key requirements for acquisition and realization of subjective suffrage is characterized by a number of the following essential features: 1) legal character; 2) documentary evidence; 3) the interdependence of rights and obligations between the citizen and the state; 4) permanence; 5) cross-border nature in the exercise of active suffrage in national elections. The article states that the absence of voting rights by foreigners does not mean that they cannot participate in elections in Ukraine at all. Domestic electoral law provides for two forms of foreign participation in elections in Ukraine: 1) official election observation of international and foreign delegations, with the exception of persons who are citizens of a state recognized by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as an aggressor or state-occupier; 2) coverage of the preparation and conduct of elections as part of accredited, as a rule, foreign media. All other forms of foreign participation are restricted or expressly prohibited by the electoral law of Ukraine. It is concluded that under the influence of globalization and integration processes taking place in the modern world, the number of countries whose constitutional legislation allows foreigners not only to vote in certain elections but also to nominate themselves for certain elected positions in public authorities is gradually increasing. There are two approaches to establishing the subjective suffrage of foreigners in the constitutions of states of different regions of the world: 1) the constitution of the state grants suffrage to foreigners, but does not provide any additional conditions for this; 2) the constitution of the state gives the right to vote to foreigners, but with certain conditions, which mostly include the possibility to vote only at certain types of elections and residence in the territory of the state for a certain period of time.
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