monitoring, quality of higher education, educational services, higher educationAbstract
This article is devoted to one of the topical issues in the system of higher education in Ukraine — the achievement of quality education and the provision of educational services by higher education institutions. An important process for achieving quality is monitoring. Therefore, the author presents an analysis of the concept and components of monitoring, which is one of the tools for managing the higher education system both at the macro and micro levels.
The purpose of the article is to find current problems of organizing and monitoring the quality of education in the system of higher education in Ukraine, as well as analysis of the directions of its use.
In the course of the analysis, the author determines that monitoring technologies in the education system have great opportunities, but his direct impact on the effectiveness of the quality of education is not sufficiently taken into account.
In addition, the author points out the directions for achieving the main limits of the high quality of education in educational institutions through monitoring, which is capable of providing a comprehensive and systematic nature of the study. The types and goals of the training monitoring, organizational and methodological approaches to its implementation, as well as the principles and stages of monitoring were studied in detail.
It is determined that monitoring does not act as a universal tool, but its effective organization, which will meet the existing conditions, and the adequate application of its results give to a significant improvement in the quality of the educational process. The article reveals the relationship between the monitoring of education and the process of managing the higher education system, examines the similarities and differences between the monitoring and control of education and educational institutions.
In conclusion, the author gives solutions to possible problems in the implementation of the monitoring process in assessing the quality of education. At the same time, it points to the need for an integrated assessment, which will help more effective monitoring, thereby improving the quality of education.
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