conceptual principles, concepts, projects, professional education, publicprivate partnership.Abstract
It is established that market principles are important in the development of vocational education, according to which it is envisaged to reduce the level of state funding for vocational education, expand opportunities for privatization of vocational education institutions, decentralize management of vocational education and more. It is proved that the mechanism of public-private partnership involves the inclusion of a third subject of these relations, namely the public sector with its potential for economic regulation and protection of public interests. Thus, the use of public-private partnerships allows the government, on the one hand, to solve pressing problems with the financing of infrastructure and social programs, on the other – allows private businesses to invest money and get the profit they need. It is substantiated that a competitive economy can be created only by professional, qualified personnel who not only have quality initial training, but also constantly improve their professional qualifications and abilities through retraining mechanisms, professional development of workers during life (on average during working life a person changes to 7 professions). It is determined that the conceptual principles of public-private partnership in the system of vocational education are, first of all, in the application of a systematic approach to the pedagogical design of the structure and content of vocational training. The next conceptual position is the focus on the true openness of the system of publicprivate partnership of vocational education institutions with enterprises. The conceptual provision is to ensure the innovative nature of vocational education within public-private partnerships with enterprises, as well as program-targeted provision of conditions for the implementation of relationships of vocational training of vocational education institutions with production units of enterprises in public-private partnership.
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