


vocational education institution, model, educational services, staff, project-oriented organization, management.


Relevance: The effective operation of a vocational education institution in market conditions requires the implementation of a new management model based on project management of organizations. The use of project management technology by management and management staff provides an opportunity for a vocational education institution to take a successful place in the market of educational services and meet consumer demands. All this requires the improvement of the management system of the vocational education institution as a project-oriented organization. Purpose: to carry out scientific substantiation of a new model of management of an institution of vocational education as a project-oriented organization in the context of management staff development. Methods: The validity of the obtained conclusions and results is based on the use of general methods of cognition: dialectical and comparative analysis. The dialectical method was used in the study of theoretical and methodological approaches to the management of vocational education in market conditions. The abstract-theoretical method was used for theoretical generalizations and formulation of conclusions. System analysis allowed to formulate a model of management of a vocational education institution as a projectoriented organization. The information basis of the work is scientific monographs and articles of domestic and foreign researchers on the management of vocational education institutions and management of organizations, legal documents in the field of vocational education. Results: the essential characteristics of the model of management of a vocational education institution as a project-oriented organization are revealed, its characteristics, main forms, stages, methods and conditions are determined, which provides an opportunity not only and not so much to offer the maximum possible range of educational services for a vocational education institution. quick response to consumer inquiries. Conclusions: with the help of a new model of management of a vocational education institution there is an organizational design, which should become a tool for the development of management staff.


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How to Cite

Мірошниченко, О. В., Притоманов, С. О., Щокін, Р. Г., Романенко, Є. О., & Дацій, О. І. (2020). MANAGEMENT OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION INSTITUTION AS A PROJECT-ORIENTED ORGANIZATION. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (6(12), 218-232.




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