general educational institution, management, process of management, processes in management of modern school.Abstract
It is determined that reforming of general secondary education requires not only the change of value orientations, the introduction of new technologies in education and education, but, above all, changes in the management of the development of a comprehensive educational institution. It was analyzed that the national doctrine of the development of Ukraine’s education in the XXI century. directs executives to search for new, open and democratic models of education management, which should be established as public-public and orient the educational processes for continuous development. It is important to foresee an organic combination of means of state influence with public administration, which broadens the managerial capacity of public opinion. It is substantiated that the scientific theory of management of secondary education institutions has intensively started to develop over the past 30 years, but today there is no single view on the interpretation of such concepts as «management», «management», «management process». This is due to the fact that this problem is multifaceted and can be considered in the light of various aspects. In recent years, the state has identified new priorities for the development of education and pedagogical science. The reform of the national education system has begun. Modernization of the branch management process is underway. A prerequisite for a successful solution to today’s problems can be the analysis of progressive ideas and practical achievements of the past. It is determined that the peculiarity of the modern school management process is that it should ensure not only the successful functioning of the educational institution, but also its qualitative development in the conditions of modernization and democratization of society. It is proved that the process of managing a general educational institution is the realization of interrelated functions necessary for the formation and achievement of the goal of a comprehensive educational institution. The main content of the process of managing a general educational institution is the development of a coherent system of activities that meets the requirements of the time. The peculiarities of the process of managerial activity of the head of a comprehensive educational institution at the present stage are determined by the combination of traditional and the emergence of new leadership functions.
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